Panda does it again. Panda offers Desserts confectionary inspired by international delicacies.
In 1920, SOK began manufacturing sweets in the cramped upstairs premises of a berry processing plant. Confectionery sales grew at a furious pace. Initially, the selection included caramels and marmalade jellies. At the end of the 1920s, the manufacturing of chocolate began. In 1961, this confectionary factory was named Panda Suklaatehdas (chocolate factory). In spring 2005, the Norwegian Orkla group acquired Panda – yet the familiar name of Panda has continued.
A new product on offer this year is Desserts confectionary inspired by international delicacies. The box has an assortment of seven confectionaries. Desserts confectionaries include popular dessert flavours, such as tiramisu, lemon cheesecake, nougat mousse and toffee cream.
According to Ritva Mäenpää, Panda Marketing Director, the confectionary boxes should be large enough and high quality as gifts or in addition to any other gift. The boxes should be beautiful on both the outside and inside, so that they can be placed on display. The confectionaries will also be shown as images on the box.
Desserts confectionaries are packed in single layer confectionary boxes. The colour of the container was chosen to be pink, in order to stand out from the other competing confectionary boxes. Gold plating was sought to highlight just how special and delicious the product is.